Exhibitor Announcement: KEBA

We are very pleased to announce that KEBA will be joining Post&Parcel Live in January 2021 as an Exhibitor.
KePol parcel lockers allow for convenient automating the first and last mile of logistic processes. They provide customer-friendly 24/7 service and make pick up, drop off and returns easy. Since 2001, the highly innovative KePol systems have influenced and driven self-service processes in the postal market. Thanks to their outstanding reliability, KePol lockers have established a reputation as being the best available solution for stable 24/7 operation on 365 days a year. With her vast experience in fields of postal and logistics automation all over the world, KEBA is your ideal and experienced partner with in-depth knowledge for automated first and last mile solutions.
Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the event? Contact Tom Ross-Joannou or Stephen Clark.
If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] or call us on +44(0)1628 642910.

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