Speaker Announcement: Clare Bottle, UKWA

Oct 26, 2021 | 2021 November Speaker Spotlight

We are delighted to announce that Clare Bottle, CEO at UK Warehousing Association, will be presenting at Post&Parcel Live in November 2021.

Clare Bottle FCILT is CEO of the UK Warehousing Association and Vice-Chair of Women in Logistics UK. Having joined the logistics industry in the 90s she has worked across a number of sectors including chemicals, construction and more recently in food & drink as Associate Director of Warehousing at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners. In July, she joined the UKWA, a leading trade association with 900 members, where she is committed to pursuing economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Post&Parcel Live is taking place from 03-04 November 2021. Visit www.postandparcel.live for more information. Want to speak at Post&Parcel Live? Answer our Call for Papers.

This virtual event is brought to you by Post&Parcel. Every week Post&Parcel features the latest news, analysis of trends, insightful viewpoints, and exclusive interviews with leading industry experts. Find out more at www.postandparcel.info

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